Today we are going through such difficult times, in history of human survival on this planet ever, All That Matters now is only being alive at any cost, we are currently fighting the most contagious virus named COVID 19 of corona family. Being of contagious nature it is posing the greatest challenge for human existence ever suffered on this planet. The positive natures of humans to fight with spirit and also through the use of technological, biological, psychological, emotional, physical resistance is applauding. As a person, I believe that we will win this war on the individual level in the best possible manner through physical social distancing.

Government machineries and medical faculties are fighting through different ways technological, biological and strict administration of laws like lockdown, sanitation, emergency services, etc There is going to be both positive and negative impact on the current scenario of life’s existence on this planet

Social distancing will greatly divide the existence and coexistence of humans until the vaccine is developed and a successful trial with mass availability for vaccination is possible.

Investments of all kinds will be challenging and look obstinate. Infrastructure of all types especially hospitals, jails, quarantine facilities, emergency equipments, instruments all will need innovations. Transporting medicines of various types and logistical movements of perishables non-perishables will be a challenge to logistics.

Public places will be reinvented with new facilities. there will be higher costs of employment for Skilled and educated laborers. People with high-risk capacities will survive while those with low-risk capacities will suffer unemployment including unskilled laborers.

There will be scarcity of government machinery, police personnel, medical faculties, emergency equipment, tracking of positive contagious patients, and their movements with technologies for detecting viruses. We will need to change our “use and throw policy” on certain items in the future because this will save money, time plus wealth resources, so some disposable, Non-durables will cease to exist in the future. Infrastructure and investments of future, require the reinvention of models for public life necessities, people and government will need to plan for atleast1- 2 years of buffer stocking of essentials in future for survival, Unemployment will increase and poverty line population will survive on government funding’s.

Every individual will have to plan for his living and necessities, individual income will be the most judgmental criteria for personal living as his survival will be a liability on a joint family.

Ergonomic use of resources and capital will be the most savings habit or policy for survival.

We will learn time management in new scenarios as start-ups and shutdowns timings of working hours will be affected, unless necessitated or inevitable, movements will be controlled.

Technology will play a significant role in every sector including individuals. mobile apps for the detection of movements will be the most challenging system of the modern world, where AI (Artificial intelligence)will come in a boom, which will control privacy. Newer technologies will play important roles in every household. Demands for higher volume storage facilities in different forms, fitness equipments, consumer goods consumptions, solar equipments, inverters, computers on an individual basis will gain momentum. also while working from home, daily needs, reading, learning, knowledge boosting programs, skill developments, will be a necessity

Personal protection kitssanitation material, medical kits, first aids, helmets, windshields will be stocked in every home on a personal basis, to avoid contagious risk of viruses.

Because of personal hygiene and sanitation, the gadgets we carry will be significantly overloaded, Our daily routine needs some extra time on a personal matter, proper sanitation to make most conducive atmosphere for living at home and societies in social life.

Till some new solution emerges to this virus our cost of living is going to increase permanently.

People will be requiring to reach before 15-20 minutes in the office to get sanitation procedures done before and after working hours, these may in the future cause side effects on excess exposure to certain materials.

Religious gatherings, theatres, cinema halls, public meetings, seminars will be the costly affairs


Expected changes

New technologies will be implemented for office works, seminars, meetings through video conferencing, product promotions through webinars or video calling, robots for security purposes, automation of industrial manufacturing, bottling, packaging. labeling, storing, etc will make most people in all sectors jobless, unemployment to the tune of 50% will be happening in coming years, Those that afford will put technology for use immediately, others will implement timely, those that cannot will cease to exist because of competition and peer pressure of material quality, quantity and delivery plus the management in current laws.


Governments, corporates will use these technologies in every operations, Transport industry requires logistical approach first for tracking luggage at airports, shipping and road transport

Inhouse facilities like sanitization, cafeteria, smoking, canteen, sneezing guards, mask, gloves, etc is extra burden on government, companies, and individuals

Various sectors will be affected,will check in future blogs